
Insight Experience
Group Ranking
Earn Points


Posting Award Posting Award issued for RhetaTut on 01-07-2025 09:31 PM.
Zealousness posting and tagging
Fields used:

Points for Threads, Points for received rating, Points for replies, Points for Views, Points for sticky threads, Points for tagging threads, Points for Posts, Points for uploading Attachments

Discussion Ender Discussion Ender issued for RSS_Bot on 01-07-2025 09:31 PM.
I killed most discussions!
Fields used:

Points for beeing the Discussion Ender

Frequent Poster Frequent Poster issued for AndrewFefly on 03-08-2025 12:40 PM.
User likes to post
Fields used:

Average Posts per Day

Master Tagger Master Tagger issued for ClemmieOglesby on 01-27-2025 01:01 AM.
Fields used:

Points for tagging threads


Social Network

Awards around your Social Network
Community Award Community Award issued for MariettaMelendez on 03-10-2025 06:48 PM.
Social engaged
Fields used:

Points for posting Visitormessages, Points for creating Socialgroups, Points for Friends, Points for Reputation

User with most referrers User with most referrers has not yet been issued.
User has the most referrers
Fields used:

Points for Referrals

Most Popular Most Popular issued for MaurineAlbers on 03-10-2025 06:48 PM.
Favourite Person
Fields used:

Points for Reputation



Calendar Award Calendar Award has not yet been issued.
Engaged with events
Fields used:

Points for posting Calendar Event

Downloads Downloads has not yet been issued.
Downloads for all!
Fields used:

Points for uploading Attachments, Points for providing download via Links and Downloads, Points for providing download via DownloadsII

King of Publishing King of Publishing issued for YMRHellen8 on 03-06-2025 07:40 AM.
Most published content with vBCMS and vBBlog!
Fields used:

Points for article in vBulletin Blog, Points for articles in vBulletin CMS

Activity Award Activity Award issued for Larrypusty on 03-03-2025 07:30 PM.
Very Active
Fields used:


Arm of Law Arm of Law has not yet been issued.
Most given infractions!
Fields used:

Points for beeing the Arm of Law


Activity on issued Awards

06:48 PM MariettaMelendez got the award Community Award
06:48 PM MaurineAlbers got the award Most Popular
06:48 PM MariettaMelendez returned the award Most Popular
06:48 PM MaurineAlbers returned the award Community Award
12:40 PM AndrewFefly got the award Frequent Poster
12:40 PM ArthurTem returned the award Frequent Poster
07:40 AM YMRHellen8 got the award King of Publishing
07:40 AM SherriHarkness returned the award King of Publishing
07:40 AM YMRHellen8 returned the award Most Popular
07:30 PM Larrypusty got the award Activity Award
07:30 PM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
07:11 PM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
06:10 PM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
05:50 PM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
05:20 PM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
04:50 PM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
03:50 PM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
03:40 PM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
03:01 PM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
02:21 PM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
02:01 PM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
01:40 PM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
12:20 PM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
12:10 PM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
11:50 AM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
11:10 AM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
11:00 AM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
10:51 AM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
09:30 AM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
09:20 AM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
08:31 AM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
07:50 AM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
06:40 AM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
06:20 AM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
05:21 AM JeffreyThync returned the award Activity Award
05:00 AM Larrypusty returned the award Activity Award
03:51 AM YMRHellen8 returned the award Community Award
03:51 AM MaurineAlbers returned the award Most Popular
12:40 AM JodyBoos330 returned the award King of Publishing
02:32 AM YMRHellen8 returned the award Most Popular
02:32 AM MaurineAlbers returned the award Community Award
09:21 PM YMRHellen8 returned the award King of Publishing
09:21 PM JodyBoos330 returned the award Most Popular
05:50 PM VanessaForrest returned the award King of Publishing
10:20 AM ColletteDaughert returned the award King of Publishing

Experience 4.1.1 BETA