Science has made its intervention in all the spheres of human life and no sphere seems to have left untouched from it. The world of games has left the confines of indoors and boards and the technology have changed the gaming culture as well. The latest game mania which has hit the markets and has become youth icon is MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game). The online games have made a sensation among the youth and lured the youngsters in its charm. ...
Since online gaming started many gamers have often preferred MMORPG games. They are simply modern games which allow for multiplayer features. With the internet now it is possible to play a game with a competitor being in the farthest part of the world. Since the introduction of free to play multiplayer games such as World of Warcraft the MMORPG gaming world has gone through so many changes. The developers have since focused on making the games with better interface as well ...