DCS Core

  • Aircraft AI. B-52. Incorrect connection during refueling - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. Helicopters cannot retrieve cargo from moving ship - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. Ka-50. Rotor tip lights do not match blade tips - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. AI BF-109 still benefiting from MW50 even if the MW50 tank is set to empty- fixed
  • Aircraft AI. AI aircraft do not consider obstacles after landing and ram other planes on taxiways - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. S-3B refueling lights adjustment
  • Aircraft AI. WW2 Vic formation No.4 can't keep up - fixed
  • Aircraft AI. KC-135MPRS Losing altitude when called up as tanker - fixed
  • Ship AI. Fixed 054A CIWS
  • Ship AI. Fixed 071 livery
  • Ship AI. LS Ropucha damaged LOD missing - fixed
  • Countries. Mi-8MTV2 added to Iraq
  • Dedicated Server. Server completely breaks down when the mission stops in Web GUI - fixed
  • Dedicated Server. Missions list shuffle function do not work - fixed
  • Graphics. Fix artifacts on clouds
  • Graphics. Fix for artifacts at intersection with fog when camera is placed directly on top layer of the fog
  • Ground AI. JTAC is capable off to continue use lase and use IR pointer after his destruction - fixed
  • Ground AI. JTAC. IR pointer is not shifted to other target - fixed
  • Ground AI. KS-19 sounder fixed
  • Ground AI. New sounds for Flak 38
  • Ground AI. New sounds for Flak M42 37mm and Twin Bofors 40mm, autocannon settings sound update
  • Ground AI. New sounds for Oerlikon 20mm Gun
  • Ground AI. New sounds for S-60 57mm gun + minor fixes
  • Ground AI. New sounds for twin and quad 20mm Flak gun
  • Ground AI. S75 ZIL truck model issue with windshield fixed
  • Ground AI. Added desert camo and updated other liveries for T-72B3
  • Ground AI. Sound Update for cannons
  • Ground AI. Added civilian Ural trucks models and updated liveries
  • GUI. Radio messages clipped by F10 map bar - fixed
  • GUI. Message history window won't close after exiting track - fixed
  • GUI. Most logbook A-10 patches are not usable - fixed
  • Scripting API. onPlayerTryChangeSlot() not called for dynamic spawns - fixed
  • MP. Events of user draw visibility control doesn't applied to client connected after trigger was fired - fixed
  • MP. FARP warehouses not synchronized on player join - fixed
  • Weapons. Active Maverick camera starts to shake at certain camera angles - fixed
  • Weapons. AGM-114L. In the case where not the entire target is visible in the AH-64 sighting system, the missile will hit the designated target, and not the neighboring ones.
  • Weapons. BLG-66 animation corrected
  • Weapons. Buk SA-11. 9M38 missile guidance method changed to proportional navigation
  • Weapons. FFAR Mk 5 engine fire is detached far from exhaust nozzle - fixed
  • Weapons. IR missiles began to ignore flares more often - fixed. Flare efficiency has been returned to previous values.
  • Weapons. Kh-29T. Eliminate erratic maneuvers to the loft trajectory transition
  • Weapons. SA-2, V-755 missile. Liquid engine smoke of second stage tuned. Added inversion contrail at low temperature.
  • Weapons. ?nce LS-6-500 bomb it is released from the pylon, it transforms into an LS-6-250 bomb - fixed
  • Weapons. Rail launcher disappear after helicopter fires last missile against air targets - fixed
  • NS430 memory leak - fixed

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed Crash when click OVRD on MFD.
  • Fixed: Radar elevation control freeze after fail to track in VSR.
  • Fixed: RWS DTT attempting to drop single track drops both and resets radar back to search.
  • Fixed: While in STT the radar footprint freezes in HSD in the last azimuth setting and does not follow the target.
  • Fixed: HMCS Boresight locking - No rad but locking anyway.
  • Fixed: A-A radar false targets appear with radar not emitting.
  • Fixed: AGM-154A fired off angle but in-zone has a chance of not guiding.
  • Fixed: FCR TWS Can reset/drop track even if radar maintains trackfile/trackfile is not dropped.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: EXP radar scanning speed and aperture seems tied to aircraft's speed.
  • Fixed: If Auto CPL is used with TOT it does not account for the waypoints in the sequence.
  • Fixed: DL13 display no longer shows the video feed from the AGM-62 Walleye before launch.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added default value of the VRS audio notification in the Special Options to disabled/un-checked.
  • Fixed crash when George AI try detect targets.
  • Fixed crash when trying to display all targets (left long) in the George target list. (Crash in DLC Mission).
  • Fixed: George AI detects unactivated units and fires at them.
  • Fixed: George AI does not see the targets when fog is in Auto mod.
  • Fixed: When the aircraft is at a sufficient bank angle (estimating >20 degrees perhaps) and slew inputs are applied to the TADS with LMC enabled, the LMC slew behavior becomes bizarre.
  • Fixed: FCR RF Handover does not work with the front seater.
  • Fixed: TSD Cursor show option should be independent between phases.
  • Fixed: Closing AI Interface while player is in CPG seat is disabling C-Scope in CPG crewstation.
  • Fixed: Wheel ?hocks miss texture.

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Starting cold & dark the crew will not direct planes (multiplayer).
  • Forced option 'disable deck crew' don't work.
  • Fixed: Switching to Airboss view shows incomplete player aircraft.
  • Fixed: Wheel chocks are placed permanently in some cases.
  • Fixed: Stuck at Awaiting requested crew member.
  • Fixed: MT IFLOS lights are difficult to see.

DCS: F-5E by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed errors in liveries:
    • Added tie-down hooks (under the fuselage and under the wings) to the Aggressors. Changed the side numbers.
    • Removed the extra antenna on the Swiss and Austrian aircraft, under the fuselage in the nose.
    • Made a version of the antenna set for the 70s on the MiG-28, as well as on the Vietnamese and Iranian liveries. Removed the RWR antennas and installed a Skyspot antenna. Partially painted over the steel plates on the engine nacelles.
    • Returned the formation lights to some liveries.
    • Added protective brushes to the gaps under the flap rod on the fuselage.
    • Removed and corrected several minor errors and inaccuracies in the liveries.

  • Added template.
  • Added livery:
    • Aggressor VFC-13 11
    • Aggressor VFC-13 21
    • Sundowners VFC-111 01
    • USAF "Southeast Asia"
    • IRIAF F-5E Standard
    • IRIAF - 43rd TFS
    • IRIAF - 41rd TFS

  • Fixed: Some activities take up to 5 times longer.
  • Fixed: Attitude Indicator rotation is backwards.
  • Fixed: Flight Manual - Errors and typos in Hydraulic Systems diagram.
  • Fixed: The antenna crashes into the hatch.
  • Fixed: Fix the profile shape of the front of the suspension tank.
  • Fixed: The texture of the cross under the screwdriver has shifted from the screw cap and dirt.
  • Fixed: The RWR antenna is missing, on the rear, on the right.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: “Launcher arm” usage leads to rockets being fired in some cases
  • Fixed: Petrovich AI does not see the targets when fog is in Auto mod.

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Helicopter weight is different from the one that was set in ME in certain cases

DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 by Eagle Dynamics

  • ?-10A. Added new IA missions for Marianas and Caucasus
  • Su-25. Added new IA missions for Caucasus
  • MiG-29. Added new IA missions for Afghanistan
  • F-15C. Added new IA combat missions for Marianas

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges

Input and clickability:

  • Clickability of F1BE rear canopy left handle (“Canopy open/close&rdquo is now operative.
  • F1BE ejection handles clickspots tooltips were updated (the word “Alternative” was removed).
  • Fixed some 'Wrong connector name' messages in dcs.log.
  • Removed 'Fuel transfer sequence selector switch' from F1BE input as being not applicable to that version.
  • Both TRAP 136 (“Green&rdquo and TRAP 137B (“Red&rdquo radio panels frequency, channel and function selectors can now be controlled by both left/right mouse buttons and by mouse wheel.
  • IFF Mode 1 and Mode 3A code selectors now work with both left/right mouse buttons, as well as with mouse wheel.
  • F1EE IDN "Additional vector bearing/distance adjustment switch" values of acceleration with time were reviewed to make fine adjustments possible.

Systems and general:

  • Pylon loadout configuration standardized with modern DCS standards: Now the default setup is empty pylons but pylons can be removed to have a 'clean' aircraft.
  • Fixed engine fire lights that stayed lit after all electrics were turned off.
  • The F1BE rear seat safety pin doesn't block the front seat ejection anymore.
  • F1BE rear seat VOR/ILS control panel is now properly initialized to 'ON' state at hot start.
  • Fixed pre-programmed radio frequencies of F1BE and F1EE Iraq quickstart missions.
  • F1BE rear seat cockpit lighting is off, and rear seat safety pin is installed now when the 'Solo Flight' option is enabled.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • CLB-200, BIN-200, BR-250 and BR-500 models improved.
  • Jettisoned canopy is restored now at aircraft repair.
  • Batteries’ temperature and capacity are now restored to initial values at aircraft repair.
  • Rear seat cockpit lighting is off, and rear seat safety pin is installed now when 'Solo Flight' option is enabled.

DCS: MB-339A/PAN by IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations

  • Fixed: ADI does not move when mission starts in cold & dark

DCS: MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

  • Increased radar return signature brightness
  • Added missing pointers for VR controls

DCS: Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3

  • Fixed floating radio and fuel gauge displays
  • Fixed propeller blur effect


DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Formation updates

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Fixed some spawn error bugs

DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations

  • All missions – More adjustments to get the taxi director work as it should
  • Mission 1 – Taxi director forced off to enable player to taxi right back to catapult after recovery
  • Mission 4 – trigger zones adjusted
  • Mission 4 – tanker holding area adjusted
  • Mission 4 – fixes to prevent landing aircraft to stuck on the deck
  • Mission 4 – Fixed missing kneeboard in briefing images
  • Mission 5 – Fixed Enfield 2 returning after launch
  • Mission 8 – Fixed CAS flight not following orders and enemy helo missing

DCS: F/A-18C Inherent Resolve Campaign by Looking Glass

  • Mission 6 - VBIEDS. Adjusted mission fail triggers as reported in ED Forums. Spaced out events to allow better gameplay and SA. Added immortal mode. Made first wave of VBIEDS easier to destroy. Adjusted weather to hot and dusty settings for desert scenario.
  • Mission 7 - Oil Business Part 1. Wingman would not taxi due to changes on Syria map, causing mission to be unplayable - fixed. Added IMMORTAL MODE for training purposes. Moved SAMS. Moved tankers closer and fixed error. Improved mission ending and flypast.
  • Mission 9 - The Oil Business - Part 3. Adjusted bomb fusing for CBU-99.

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Mission 11 spawn issue fixed
  • Kill markings added to skins

Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Mission 6 - heading typo corrected on briefing map

DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Performance optimization
  • Mission 11 48 ship formation fix
  • Correct markings for the actual squadron COs
  • Updated the order of battle slides with names
  • Clear prop callouts from other pilots
  • Crew chief image added
  • Optional radio news broadcasts added to most missions
  • Pilots notes included for the correct version of P-47D
  • New UI Background and loading screen
  • Kill markings and further skin fixes
  • Campaign end cutscene added

DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Mission 7 missile defense improved
  • Mission 13 - Mayday parade smokes rearranged for better visibility

DCS: F-16C Arctic Thunder Campaign by Reflected Simulations

  • Typo fixes
  • M3 Comms tower added for consistency with the Hornet campaign

DCS; F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 by Badger633

  • Missions 1,4 to 6, 8 to10: Super Carrier variants: Carrier taxi and parking order fixed

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion 1by Badger633

  • Missions 2,3,6 to 9, 12 to 15 all variants: Carrier taxi and parking order fixed

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion 2 by Badger633

  • Missions 9 Part B all variants: Mig attack adjusted.
  • Missions 3 to 8 and 10 to 13 all variants: Carrier taxi and parking order fixed

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line by Badger633

  • Missions 3: Radio call corrected, Carrier taxi and parking order fixed.
  • Missions 1,4,6,9,10 to 12: Carrier taxi and parking order fixed.
  • Mission 2: Red’s formations eased to stop crashes due to AI changes.
  • Mission 5: Matrix not following Ford fixed, Typo in brief corrected, Carrier taxi and parking order fixed.Brief
  • Mission 5: Typo corrected.

DCS: F/A-18C Arctic Thunder Campaign by Baltic Dragon

  • Horizontal: added document with scoring to campaign docs
  • M01: added safeguard to encounter with Backfire; added clearer instructions for the player during intercept phase;
  • M02: fixed a bug with mission stalling when Rovaniemi air defences take out enemy missiles; fixed several floating statics at Vuojarvi airstrip; fixed missing tower call.
  • M03: updated placement of some statics at Vuojarvi; fixed Bullseye waypoint number on the kneeboard.
  • M04: fixed placement of some statics at Vuojarvi; removed debug message; updated placement of objects at the hill (last part of mission)

DCS: UH-1H Peacekeeper Lebanon Campaign by Flying Cyking

  • Mission 1: Adjusted ADF Almirante Lynch Frequency to 380Khz to Avoid overlap with Gecitkale overlap. Adjusted Kneeboard with new frequency. Adjusted Voice Overs with ADF Frequency. Rework of approaching ship VO, taken out the black smoke advice. Smoke is white now. Subtitle correction.
  • Mission 5: Further Hover Trigger adjustment. Switched off Nav Radio by Default in Hot Start Version to avoid annoying beep beep tone.
  • Mission 6: Checked Camp Marjayoun rearm function and resaved Mission due to some players seem to have problems with rearming at the camp. Cannot reproduce.
  • Mission 10: Adjustments of Briefing text.
