There is absolutely no reason not to obtain an estate plan other than you have no estate. You own nothing worthwhile. If that's the case, you such a good point cash bigger problems than not having an estate plan. There isn't any other justification not for optimal plan in its place. Not one. That's thinking only along the business transaction, not at the personal implications financially once it via. But, as business people, similar to be too focused in regards to the deal itself ...
Let's get one thing straight right off the bat - estate planning is not about fatality rate. If you look at it like that, you'll be putting it forever. Brooding about death is dwelling on the negatives when estate planning is roughly dwelling on the positives: financial security and surety for the family. So, what the A-B Revocable living trust developed to do is to capture and preserve the federal estate tax unified credit amount available when early spouse is disapated. It does ...