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04-17-2024, 09:36 AM
Introduced new campaign - DCS: Mi-24P Outpost Campaign by Stone Sky (https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/campaigns/mi-24p_outpost_campaign/).
DCS World

CTD with new Oculus/Meta Quest 2/3 v63 software - fixed.
NEW: Added over-pressure shockwave influence from bombs, missiles, shells and gunfire on terrain vegetation like trees, bushes, and grass.
FIXED - Linked Zone doesn't work with player-controlled units in Mission Editor.
ChinaAssetPack. Fixed HQ-7 AI launcher missile guidance issue (better hit rate).
ChinaAssetPack. Changed HQ-7 EO drivable version back to tracking radar version
Voice chat:

Added a separate input layer for each FC3 aircraft.
Added the Forced PTT mode for intercom.
Fixed. FM range is missing R-862 radio.
Fixed. The frequency range of P-832M.

Weapons. Chaffs do not affect some radar-guided SAMs missiles - fixed.
AI aircraft. Tanker hose-cone is in retracted state when refuelling - fixed.
Update default trimmer sounds in accordance with new references.
AI aircraft. Helicopter with certain main rotor damage makes its crew heads bounce as if head-bangers - fixed.
ME. Crash when deleting text from editor text field in some cases - fixed.
GUI. When the user edit the joystick name and pressing (as suggested by tooltip), OPTIONS window closes - fixed.
Weapons. AGM-65E2\L still hits the target after the laser designator turns off - fixed.
ME. Freeze at Sim Poststart when using 'Show Hidden Units' - fixed.
MP. When started after a DCS client, a local dedicated server "steals" Force Feedback from the DCS client - fixed.
MP. JTAC laser code setting is transferred to another mission - fixed.
AI surface. Some ships prevent Fog of War unfogging when they are more or less distant from the enemy targets - fixed.
AI surface. Ground units don't work if the mission has an intro - fixed.
AI surface. Some units always face north - fixed.
Airborne troops. Crash when requesting to disembark - fixed.
AI surface. Added new sound for M-60, BMD-1 and BTR-D.
3D Models. Fixed models (SA-10) S-300.
GUI. CTD when trying to play Ogg Theora video tutorials - fixed.
SNS devices. Digital map floating after initialization when an aircraft spawns airborne - fixed.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

G effect improvements. Loss of color, tunnel vision, and black out have been adjusted and all happen over a greater time period. This is most useful AFTER performing a G warmup (4 to 5 G for 90-degrees, and then the same manoeuvre back in the other direction). At 9.3 G and after a G warmup, blackout now occurs at approximately 30 seconds instead of 9.5 seconds. - work in progress. Sound effects will be done later.
Added embedded INS+GPS logic based on Kalman filter. - work in progress.
Fixed: “Knife Edge Pass” review FCS logic.
Fixed: TGT-TO-VRP (CCRP) crash when activating it.
Fixed: CTD when switching FCR mode in OVERRIDE.
Fixed: Datalink with human players not working if GPS is unavailable.
Fixed: Datalink doesn't work for maps in the Western hemisphere.
Fixed: Multiplayer datalink share of detected air targets.
Fixed: VSR gets stuck in EXP when switching to VSR in EXP.
Fixed: FCR auto-display range is not working with a SAM designated target.
Fixed: VSR Scan limits not possible to slew.
Fixed: TGP line-of-sight oscillations and freezing.
Fixed: Commanding area or point track with TGP in STBY moves SPI to behind aircraft.
Fixed: FPS drop with JDAM.
Fixed: Maverick ripple lock loss.
Fixed: MAV TD BOX drift.
Fixed: Inboard HARMs jettisoned inhibit outboard HARMs from designation.
Fixed: HSD Expand can cause some symbology to disappear.
Fixed: MSL/DGFT/AA mode OSB 9..
Fixed: Sensors do not follow steerpoint after AGM-65 EO-VIS usage.
Fixed: WCMD loss of TUI after bomb release on HUD.
Fixed: HTS major and minor axis data becomes unstable in some situations.
Fixed: Engine nozzle feathers graphical error.
Fixed: Jamming SURV effect improvements.
Fixed: Display behaviour for AGM-65 LOS Circle "in range" box is inconsistent.
Fixed: Cockpit seems to have two reflections.
Fixed: IAM missed by the amount of drift.
Fixed: GMT TMS Up while tracking moving ground targets causes target info and background map to disappear.
Fixed: AGM-65 setting SOI to WPN before designating in EO-VIS moves designation to 0,0 coordinates.
Fixed: GBU-24 symbology jumping around and erratic when on ground.
Fixed: Cursor zero ignores newly set Mark Point if using DTOS.
Fixed: F-16 Switching from TWS to RWS while in STT drops track briefly.
Fixed: Visual issue with F-16 HUD glass edge.

DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed: BRA on RDR ATTK page does not use MAG, using TRUE heading incorrectly.
Fixed: AACQ and Bullseye information is overlapping - Bullseye symbol overlapping.
Fixed: High drag bomb release error in Free Fall (FF) mode.
Fixed: RAID mode can be "pre-activated" prior to entering TWS.
Disabled Game Flight Mode.
Fixed: ASI command makes a little overcompensation command - Pitch down tendency.
Fixed: Check stab command NU at landing flare touch down.
Fixed: TDC in RDR ATTK and AZ/EL does not show info for trackfiles in memory, when in STT.
Fixed: Check trim advisory not showing.
Fixed: Steerpoint TPOD misalignment/drift.
Fixed: ACM Slew and NO RAD indication under specific flow.

DCS: A-10C II Tank Killer by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed. Altimeter is missing a decimal separator for pressure setting.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

Game Flight Mode disabled.
Fixed: CTD on turning on AH-64D TADS.
George AI tuning.

NOTE: In the next update, we plan to add LINK, ZOOM, and C-Scope functions.
DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

Added: Bind for radar altimeter dangerous altitude setting
Fixed: While “Hydro Lock” option activated , moving collective without hydro release pressed still affects avionics but not FM

DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed. P-47D-40 bugged gunsight external texture
Fixed. hydraulics drives fail to extend undercarriage after repair
Added. New landing gear physics

DCS: P-51D Mustang by Eagle Dynamics

Added. New landing gear physics (including TF-51D)

DCS: Spitfire LF Mk. IX by Eagle Dynamics

Cockpit reflection tuned

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed: Deck crew LODs have spikes
Fixed: Supercarrier ATC radio menu is broken during takeoff from the catapult
Fixed: Radio menu may break after repeated landing request in some case

DCS: Mirage F1 by AergesGeneral:

Rear pilot is now not present in the Mission Editor preview window (basically in payload dialog) when the 'Solo Flight' option is selected.
The rear pilot is now not present in a human-controlled Mirage F1 BE, once in the mission, when the 'Solo Flight' option is enabled.
Adjusted appearance of the aircraft mission options dialog.
Now with the 'Disable force feedback effects' option checked, force feedback joysticks (if any is connected) will always return a constant spring force. All FFB shake effects will be disabled as well.
Now with the 'Disable force feedback effects' option checked, 'Force Feedback' section in the Special Options dialog is inactive.


Implemented radar 'Standby' mode.
Implemented radar power up sequence: Display is available at the 31st second after radar power up (PNE light goes out at the 35th second), and transmitter is ready after 3 minutes timeout (EMI light will cease at this moment).
Added power up logic for the radar “AP” (parametric amplifier) light.
Fixed dedicated 1st and 2nd stage commands of the radar antenna elevation buttons behaviour when 2nd stage is released with 1st stage still being held pressed.
The radar resulting antenna altitude difference now can't be more than +/-48000 ft in both 'E' and 'D' elevation control modes.


Fixed clickability issues (shifted clickspots) with the lights panel at the right side of the Optical Sight ( 'C + M or SW' and 'Jammer Detection' lights).
Fixed AoA light strip not illuminating in Mirage F1 BE rear cockpit.
Fixed combat flaps logic not working in Mirage F1 BE.
Fixed Optical Sight test symbology appearance:

'Approach' test mode is now enabled for testing only when none of the weapon modes were selected.
Attitude scale now displays -60 deg of pitch and 180 deg of bank in normal scale display mode, and -40 mil of pitch and 180 deg of bank in simplified scale display mode.
Gun firing reticle now has 40 mil diameter in all test modes.
Adjusted the following symbols positions in various test modes: target symbol, gun firing reticle, radar command reticle.

IFF will start in N when the aircraft is initialised hot on the ground.
Fixed brightness adjustment of IFF lights.
Default mode 2 IFF code is now 2000.
Added magnetic indicator logic in the Mode 4 IFF panel.
Fixed launch problems created by a mixed F1 and F4 rocket payload.

Flight Model:

Added vibrations with airbrake deployment at high Mach.
Fixed a small bug in airbrake pitching moment tables.


Added 'Engage Ships' radio command.
Added 'Engage with' radio submenu.
Added F1 TRAP 136 and TRAP 137B radios presets for Voice Chat.
Changed TRAP 136 V/UHF radio guard frequency to the standard one: 243 MHz.
Voice Chat intercom does not operate anymore when electric power is unavailable.

3D model and textures:

Added cryptographic computer unit texture.


Updated Flight Manual. Mainly IFF description, including mode 4, and Controls Window description.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDevGeneral:

Rear pilot is now not present in the Mission Editor preview window (basically in payload dialog) when the 'Solo Flight' option is selected.
'Solo Flight' is now available for AI-controlled aircraft.
Fixed C-101EB 'English' cockpit livery not being applied.
Now with the 'Disable force feedback effects' option checked, force feedback joysticks (if any is connected) will always return a constant spring force. All FFB shake effects will be disabled as well.


Added Voice Chat sound filters parameters for ARC-134, V/TVU-740, and VHF-20B radios presets.

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

New: inSky SATAC 2022 Champion skin
New: draw two airspace on HSD (A: purple and B: cyan)

MISSION (default): Added by mission maker using draw->line->segments

Blue: BKYA and BKYB
Red: RKYA and RKYB
Neutral: NKYA and NKYB

F10 Label: Added by player on F10 using label

Always closed polygon

Preset: Added by preset lua

Each terrain has its own airspace lua
Lua sample can be found in JF-17/Doc directory
Lua (file) can be edited (replaced) during (MP) mission for quick update
In MP, each flight/squadron can use its own lua (convenient distribution)
Help keep F10 map clean

Clean: remove airspace from HSD

You can select airspace source in configuration panel then update DTC
Each draw no more than 10 line segments

Fixed: unstoppable refocus of WMD7 camera
Fixed: WMD7 laser cannot be repaired after run out of life
Adjusted: WMD7 CCD image source (better CCD grey image)
Adjusted: install/remove ladder and inlet cover via config panel
Adjusted: switched to ED’s GB-6 and LS-6

DCS: Black Shark 3 by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed Ka-50 old QS Syria missions corrupted start position
Incorrect audio/subtitle warning given for INU Fixpoint within 18km - fixed

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

Fixed minor vertex normal issues on left engine nacelle (A)
Slightly improved rendering performance by merging some indicator elements.
Fixed various minor issues in LoD 1-3.

DCS: Flaming Cliffs by Eagle Dynamics

A-10A. Panel lights texture issue (border) - fixed
A-10A. Cockpit model adjustments
Su-33. Reflections can be too strong at odd times on gauges - fixed
Su-25T. Kh-58 missile collide with plane during launch with big sideslip angle - fixed
A-10A. HSI and ILS are not working - fixed
Su-25A. CCRP ripple release mode does not work with MBD2-67 - fixed
Su-27. MFD placed in wrong place in HUD view mode - fixed

DCS: L-39 Albatros by Eagle Dynamics

Added Marianas Instant Action missions

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 by Eagle Dynamics

Cockpit reflections tuned

DCS: Yak-52 by Eagle Dynamics

FIXED: Reflections too strong under flashlight

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed player-JTAC operation in MP.

DCS: NS430 by Eagle Dynamics

Fixed. Terrain mode memory leak leads to CTD
Fixed. Options menus have truncated labels
Fixed. Wrong indicated ground speed
Fixed. HFOM and VFOM statuses on GPS page won't fit into its fields
Fixed. Crash that happens during zooming in and out on the Persian Gulf map

CampaignsDCS: A-10C Operation Agile Spear Campaign by Combat King Simulations
Campaign was updated to version 2.3

All Missions - Top down review and many bugs squashed big and small. Many thanks to Pyrocumulous! His help was instrumental.
All missions - radio frequencies better coordinated for all aircraft in the strike package
All missions - updated Datalink connections for all like aircraft.
All missions - changed all displayed messages to Clearview
All missions - updated to new F10 menu system which adds new options for the player to manage thier simulation's environment. Thanks Gareth Magnall https://www.youtube.com/@Pukin-Dog
All missions - Wingmen (Pig-2, 3 & 4) changed over to a seperate group for more tasking flexibility. Thanks B.D.
All missions - added the option of a Practice Sortie to each mission. This will allow the mission pilot to exit the primary mission, fly a practice sortie with the same loadout as the primary mission, and then reenter the primary mission. The mission pilot can fly and practice any technique/profile, rearm and refuel as desired, and then re-enter the primary mission when ready.
All missions - now have the ability to accelerate time (fast forward between waypoints) without missing any mission critical inputs or messages. Thanks Sedlo.
All missions - datacards use different font/colors for easier reading.
All missions - end of mission music added.

DCS: F/A-18C Flaming Sunrise Campaign by Sandman Simulations

All missions – Air defense visibility adjusted to get AI SEAD flights attack higher priority targets over Rapiers and AAA

DCS: F/A-18C Inherent Resolve Campaign by Looking Glass

Updated mission 13

DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Su-25T was removed from modules list

DCS: F/A-18C Inherent Resolve Campaign by Looking Glass

Added campfire to mission 1 to assist in location of enemy training camp

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

ATC frequencies changed and corrected

Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Complete revamp of the campaign to version 2.0
Every mission uses historical locations now
Mission historical inconsistencies fixed
Mission timings adjusted based on further research
Smoothened triggers
More voice overs and sound effects added
Reworked kneeboards and briefing visuals
Corrected mission timings
ATC frequencies changed and corrected yet again.

DCS: P-51D Debden Eagles Campaign by Reflected Simulations

ATC frequencies changed and corrected yet again.
All takeoff sequences were reworked

DCS: Fw 190 A-8 Horrido! Campaign by Reflected Simulations

More damage fail safes added to mission 12

Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations

ATC frequencies changed and corrected

DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations

Mission 12 - flight has no bombs - fixed

A-10C / A-10C II Basic Flight Training Qualification Campaigns by Maple Flag Missions

Corrected CMSP Switch Trigger Test for both A-10C and A-10C II BFT01 missions.

DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart - Spring 2025 Campaign

Mission 1 - In some cases, AI does not trigger when landing at station 1. The trigger has been adjusted and the take-off can be forced as a solution via the F-10 radio menu.

DCS: Raven One Dominant Fury Campaign
Mission 2:

fixed issue where mission would not progress after reporting seeing the yacht
complete mission update to match new radio system
F10 radio menu and space bar now can be replaced by HOTAS switches for better immersion
added Link4 and ACLS to the carrier

Mission 9:

fixed issue with Texaco 21 refuelling of Texaco 11
fixed issue with SCUDs not firing and breaking the mission
complete mission update to match new radio system
F10 radio menu and space bar now can be replaced by HOTAS switches for better immersion
added Link4 and ACLS to the carrier
added working TACAN to all flight members

F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badger633

Missions 1: Fail on entering display fixed.
Missions 3,5, 8 and 10: EZ refuel versions Fords fuel mass reduced

F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion by Badger633

Mission 6: IR shield removed from enemy Helos.
Mission 7: Convoy blocking itself and not moving fixed.
Missions 4 to 9 and 13: EZ refuel versions Fords fuel mass reduced.

F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion 2 by Badger633

Mission 6: F18 not exploding fixed.
Mission 4,6,8,9a,9a and 12: EZ refuel versions Fords fuel mass reduced.
Mission 12: Bugged moving rectangular zone fixed.

Known issues:

Propeller and Jet wash effect on nearby vegetation environment was added but not finished yet WIP
F-16C - Flight Alignment procedure still requires some tuning, coming in a future update. In-Flight Alignment in pre-GPS era requires additional couple of FIXes in addition to the first two OFLY FIX to calculate the velocity properly. These FIXes can be made in any suitable mode: TPOD, FCR, HUD, OFLY, the only requirement is to keep the aircraft at a straight line between the fixes. Of course, the fixes should be done precisely.

More... (https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/news/changelog/stable/